Walmart, a staple company of Americans and especially American families, turned on its customer base in 2022 when it announced a new policy that pays for employees’ abortions.
The policy came shortly after the overturning of Roe v. Wade in June of 2022, which sent the issue of abortion back to the individual states to decide. Walmart’s policy covers abortions “when there is a health risk to the mother, rape or incest, ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage or lack of fetal viability.” With “health risk” left open for broad interpretation, Walmart is essentially providing abortion on demand for its employees.
What’s more, the company is also covering employees’ travel when an abortion is not available within 100 miles.
CPAC spoke out against this policy two years ago and is still taking a stand against Walmart directly supporting the destruction of life and offending the morals of millions of Americans who shop at Walmart.
Sign the petition and tell Walmart you oppose their abortion on demand policy at