Reverend David Hill has overcome many challenges in the four previous God’s Not Dead films. In this latest one, he encounters what might just be his greatest challenge.
When incumbent to a Congressional seat suddenly dies, Reverend David Hill decides to throw his hat in the ring.
As Hill ventures into the world of politics, he encounters obstacles to maintaining his values and beliefs while campaigning for office. He runs on a message of freedom and faith, a message met with hostility and criticism from established political figures and a contrast to his opponent’s determination to keep God out of government.
Though Hill is told time and again that he cannot win while sticking to his morals, his faith and challenge of establishment figures, methods, and ideas strike a chord with constituents and starts a movement to restore God and integrity to government.
Like the films before it in the God’s Not Dead franchise, God’s Not Dead: In God We Trust is an inspirational story of living faith when it’s unpopular to do so.
Yet, it’s more than just a story. It is a call to action.
An estimated 40 million Christians in America do not vote in elections. This passivity has been taken advantage of, and for decades, faith in schools, government, and the public square at large has been under siege.
Christians have been hiding for too long. It’s time for Christians to live their faith in the public square. God's Not Dead: In God We Trust empowers Christians to be active, to share their faith, and defend their beliefs.
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