Former Pennsylvania Senator and Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum powerfully called for religious revival in America at CPAC Hungary 2024.
After World War II, America fell into the dangerous trap of naive contentment. Americans took for granted that they lived in the greatest and freest country on earth and forgot that freedom requires hard work to maintain. As such, they let their guard down and allowed Leftism to slowly creep into the country.
“Who needs an invading army when you can use the freedom in the West to systematically gain control of every lever of power, unions, schools, colleges, news media, entertainment, social media, big business, and increasingly the Church to indoctrinate masses to believe their lies? How did they do this? Well, the most benign answer is the axiom, ‘Evil triumphs when good men and women do nothing,’” explained Santorum.
They became lax in their faith and their family lives. They entrusted their children to schools and universities infected with the disease of Leftism and failed to pass on conservative values to them. As time went on, conservatives isolated themselves from the rest of the country rather than taking the conservative message out into the world and bringing more people into their ranks.
“We stopped participating in social groups, including churches, clubs, and institutions that shape society, but not on the Left. They joined, contributed, and they organized. We became self-sufficient, disconnected, and blissfully ignorant of the dramatic changes in our institutions and in our culture,” recalled Santorum.
Though the Left made great headway in overhauling American society and culture, it’s not too late to reverse course. But doing that requires conservatives to return to their roots. They need to place God at the center of their values and politics and return to a core Christian morality that respects life and defends the family. Hungary is a light in the darkness to Americans, demonstrating that a cultural revival is possible. To achieve that cultural revival in America, Americans need to start with themselves.
“Do the hard work of strengthening your faith, committing to your spouse, and forming your children in truth, and you and your country will triumph in more ways than one,” advised Santorum.
Revival starts with each person looking in the mirror and practicing what they preach.
Watch Santorum’s full speech on here.