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Binder: Biden-Harris 'Catch and Release' Policy Claims Another American's Life

On May 6, the body of 32-year-old Samantha Jane Dailey was discovered engulfed in flames on a sofa in the middle of a field near Martinsburg.

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Watch Speeches from CPAC in DC 2024 with the CPAC Livestream

Couldn’t make it to CPAC? Are you here but still don’t want to miss a minute of speeches while exploring CPAC Central? Tune in to the CPAC livestream! 

The CPAC livestream broadcasts every Main Stage speech live from the CPAC conference. The livestream covers the full length of the conference and is available starting today all the way

through Saturday.

Watch now at!

America Uncanceled

Hosted by Matt and Mercy

It's Not About Us

Hosted by Elaine Beck

Liberty and Justice

Hosted by Matt Whitaker

The Bill Walton Show

Hosted by Bill Walton

Stream the Movement

The Culture Killers: The Woke Wars

Watch this award winning documentary by CPAC. The woke wars are coming to a neighborhood near you. From major corporations to school boards to social media, free expression is under attack.

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