CPAC and ACUF Release Scorecard of Minnesota Lawmakers
The American Conservative Union Foundation conducts an annual, in-depth analysis to rate all 8,000 lawmakers in America, revealing their positions on a wide variety of issues directly affecting our communities and families.
Check out the press release below with more details and please take action!
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ACU to Present Awards to Top-Scoring Minnesota Lawmakers at CPAC
CPAC and ACUF Release Minnesota Legislative Scorecard
ALEXANDRIA, VA (January 31, 2022)— As the new legislative session kicks off, several Minnesota legislators are set to be recognized at CPAC for their conservative voting records based off of a just released analysis from ACUF’s Center for Legislative Accountability. Lawmakers received high marks for combatting Gov. Tim Walz excessive COVID-19 shutdown policies, as well as for efforts to block labor union mandates and tax hikes.
The American Conservative Union Foundation (ACUF) analysis reveals the state legislature’s deep political polarization, with Republicans voting with the conservative position an average of 81.23%, while Democrats average a mere 6.2% in 2021.
Click Here to view the 2021 Ratings of Minnesota
The Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) will be taking place in Orlando, Florida from February 24-27, 2022. To earn an invitation, a lawmaker must vote with the conservative position at least 80% of the time, as calculated by the American Conservative Union Foundation’s Center for Legislative Accountability.
The following members receive our highest award, the Award for Conservative Excellence, for scores of 90% or more:
Rep. Steve Drazkowski (100%)
Rep. Cal Bahr (96%)
Rep. Steve Green (96%)
Rep. Josh Heintzeman (96%)
Rep. Shane Mekeland (96%)
Rep. Jeremy Munson (96%)
Rep. Duane Quam (96%)
Rep. Matthew Grossell (96%)
Rep. Peggy Scott (95%)
Rep. Ron Kresha (95%)
Rep. John Heinrich (95%)
Rep. Jeff Backer (93%)
Rep. John Burkel (93%)
Rep. Brian Daniels (93%)
Rep. Kurt Daudt (93%)
Rep. Brian Johnson (93%)
Rep. Debra Kiel (93%)
Rep. Eric Lucero (93%)
Rep. Erik Mortensen (93%)
Rep. Kristin Robbins (93%)
Rep. Tama Theis (93%)
Rep. Sondra Erickson (93%)
Rep. Matt Bliss (92%)
Rep. Marion O’Neill (92%)
Rep. Joe Schomacker (92%)
Rep. Paul Torkelson (92%)
Rep. Joe McDonald (90%)
Click Here to view the PDF version of the ratings
Among the 52 roll call votes scored by the ACUF is the legislation meant to help secure elections (SF 173), efforts to amend a bill imposing labor union mandates (SF 9), defeating attempted tax hikes (HF 991), and efforts to combat Gov. Tim Walz excessive COVID-19 policies (SF 1, SF 2, HF 2, SC 5, HF 33).
ACUF’s Ratings of Congress and Ratings of the States are initiatives of American Conservative Union Foundation (ACUF)’s Center for Legislative Accountability (CLA). These ratings are designed to reflect how more than 8,000 elected officials across the nation view the role of government while illustrating the differences between chambers of the legislature and revealing lawmakers’ positions across 186 policy areas that directly affect citizens.
For media inquiries, contact our Communications Department at comms@conservative.org.
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Our staff spends thousands of hours analyzing more than 105,000 pieces of legislation voted on by Congress and every state legislature in the country. Your support is critical to be able to provide this level of insight and transparency. Will you please make a tax-deductible donation today to support transparency and ratings of Minnesota legislators?