CPAC Statement on the Indictment of President Donald J. Trump
The same day that new polls are released showing President Donald Trump tied in a matchup with President Joe Biden and being the clear leader in the Republican Party presidential primary, the deep state and their henchman-of-the-hour, Special Counsel Jack Smith, are colluding to drum up even more bogus charges against President Trump.
The corrupt beltway insiders know President Trump is a threat to the Washington Swamp. He represents their end to a business-as-usual which robs the American people, makes us dependent on the globalists, and puts our young men and women in their permanent wars.
Earlier this year, in a fiery speech from the CPAC stage President Trump confirmed his next administration would fight back, declaring “I am your retribution!” Now Merrick Garland and the Washington Uniparty want to deprive you from having a voice. As these scam charges are nothing more than an attempt kick President Trump off the ballot.
The American people will not accept this charade. We at the Conservative Political Action Coalition (CPAC), the nation’s original grassroots conservative organization, will continue to use our voice to fight these dishonest charges and will work to hold the deep state accountable.