CPAC urges South Carolina’s Senate to protect life
The Conservative Political Action Coalition (CPAC) sent the following letter to South Carolina’s Senate in support of H. 5399 to ensure pro-life policies remain in the state.
Dear Senator [LAST]:
We at the Conservative Political Action Coalition (CPAC) have been pushing for legislation throughout the country which protects life. After activist judges on South Carolina’s Supreme Court blocked the “fetal heartbeat” protection bill this summer, the legislature must act to ensure pro-life policies remain in South Carolina.
As such we view H. 5399 as a strong remedy. The bill would ensure South Carolina is on par with other conservative states in the region like Tennessee, Kentucky, Alabama, and Georgia in restricting the gruesome practice.
This legislation goes along with CPAC’s fight against companies like Walmart, who have decided to prioritize the policies of the woke left. Conservatives can no longer tolerate the leftist policy agenda of these companies – particularly when it facilitates the harming of innocent human life.
Accordingly, CPAC strongly supports H. 5399. We have recommended to our colleagues at the American Conservative Union Foundation’s Center for Legislative Accountability (Ratings) that they score legislation protecting life positively in their 2022 ratings.
Thank you for your service in the legislature.
– Conservative Political Action Coalition
Take Action
Urge your senators to protect life in South Carolina! Sign our petition here.