Playing Hyde n’ Seek with Innocent Lives
Consistency isn’t Joe’s strong suit, particularly when it comes to his stance on abortion.
Biden’s transition from staunch pro-life Catholic to dyed-in-the-wool abortion extremist began four decades ago. As the Democrats’ 2020 presidential nominee, it is rapidly approaching completion.
Central in this transition is his position on the Hyde Amendment. The Hyde Amendment is a provision attached to congressional spending bills that prohibits using federal health care dollars to fund abortions.
From 1976 to the day he left the Senate in 2009, Biden supported the Hyde Amendment.
In June of 2019, Biden flipped.
At a Democratic Party fundraiser in Atlanta, Biden announced that he no longer supported the ban on using federal health care dollars to fund abortion, citing its incompatibility with his stance that health care is a right. He even said he would restore federal funding to the United States’ most prosperous abortion mill—Planned Parenthood—if he were elected.
Biden’s denouncement of Hyde is alarming for reasons that go beyond the issue of abortion itself. The abrupt about-face demonstrates his willingness to capitulate to the most extreme members of his party.
In Biden’s America, what you see—is not necessarily what you’ll get.