ACU Foundation Releases Latest Scores of Texas Legislature
The American Conservative Union Foundation conducts an annual, in-depth analysis to rate all 8,000 lawmakers in America, revealing their positions on a wide variety of issues directly affecting our communities and families.
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CPAC Releases Scorecard of Texas Legislature
CPAC & ACUF Award 59 Lawmakers for Conservative Voting
ALEXANDRIA, VA (November 18, 2021)—The Texas legislature achieved many conservative policy victories according to recently released voting record analysis from CPAC.
Click Here to view the 2021 Ratings of Texas
Members receiving the highest scores include:
Sen. Bob Hall (100%), Rep. Tony Tinderholt (98%), Rep. Mayes Middleton (97%), Rep. Matt Schaefer (96%), Rep. Cody Vasut (96%), Rep. Jeff Cason (96%), Rep. Briscoe Cain (95%), Sen. Bryan Hughes (93%), Rep. Cole Hefner (93%), and Rep. Jared Patterson (93%).
“As woke corporations and corrupt big tech companies tried to silence conservative Americans, Texas fought back,” said CPAC Chairman Matt Schlapp. “Led by Gov. Abbott they worked together to secure major conservative victories. From protecting the integrity of elections to one of the strongest pro-life protections in the America, conservatives in Texas set a strong example for how to lead.”
In total, 59 members of the Texas legislature will be eligible to receive awards at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) taking place in Orlando, Florida from February 24-27, 2022 for voting with the conservative position on legislation more than 80% of the time.
Click Here to view the PDF version of the ratings
Among the 86 roll call votes scored by the American Conservative Union Foundation (ACUF) are the major election reforms (SB 1), the bill protecting students from indoctrination by banning critical race theory (SB 3), efforts to secure the border (HB 9), legislation aimed at reigning in big tech companies (HB 20) and protections against excessive government spending (SB 1336).
ACUF’s Ratings of Congress and Ratings of the States are initiatives of American Conservative Union Foundation (ACUF)’s Center for Legislative Accountability (CLA). These ratings are designed to reflect how over 8,000 elected officials across the nation view the role of government while illustrating the differences between chambers of the legislature and revealing lawmakers’ positions across 186 policy areas that directly affect citizens.
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Our staff spends thousands of hours analyzing more than 105,000 pieces of legislation voted on by Congress and every state legislature in the country. Your support is critical to be able to provide this level of insight and transparency. Will you please make a tax-deductible donation today to support transparency and ratings of Texas legislators?