Robby Starbuck deviated from the status quo in Hollywood in 2016 by endorsing President Donald Trump. Since then, inspired by his family’s escape from communism in Cuba, he has continued to challenge the Left’s woke agenda and ideology.
Challenging Hollywood norms has not been an easy task. Starbuck is up against wealthy and powerful corporations and individuals using their influence to promote wokeness.
“There’s an understanding on the Left that there’s billionaires on the Left willing to lose hundreds of millions of dollars year over year to help win the culture,” noted Starbuck. “On the right, we’ve never seen culture as something worth that type of value.”
In recent years, however, he’s noticed a change and seen more conservatives coming around to the idea of culture-building as a sound investment and using the Left’s tools, such as social media, to influence future generations.
“The right is getting much at it over the last four years, and that’s why you see independent content creators on the Right, doing so much better,” said Starbuck.
Watch Starbuck and Schlapp’s full conversation, including Starbuck naming the top companies seeking to reenvision American society in the Leftist worldview, on CPAC+.