Elaine Beck goes solo this episode to talk directly about the We Are Not Enemies program.
God spoke to Beck calling her to start We Are Not Enemies.
“God said, when he talked to me, was that the really true wickedness of the world is not forgiving others,” explained Beck.
We Are Not Enemies is all about forgiveness. It is a year-long program that unites America in prayer. Americans are praying specifically for the healing of our land and the reunion of Americans in God.
It is based on the Sermon Mount where Jesus said, “You have heard that it was said you shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy but I say to you, love your enemy lest those that curse you do good to those who hate you and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you.”
“When you do, it’s like this huge weight is lifted off you,” said Beck. “When you pray for them to be forgiven, God can open their mind. You can’t but He can. He can help them take the veil from the front of their face.”
Join Beck and fellow Americans in living this out through We Are Not Enemies at WeAreNotEnemies.com.
For more visit CPAC.org, or find Elaine Beck on social media @ElaineEBeck.