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The Hill: Op-Ed by ACU Chairman Matt Schlapp
Biden’s Leadership is Threatened by His Loyalty to the Hard Left
As President Biden begins his post-100-days agenda, his biggest challenge is that despite good topline poll numbers, many of his major policies are substantially unpopular. Biden is shortening his honeymoon not because of personal unpopularity but due to an unusual fidelity to the most destructive and unsavory policies emanating from the base of his party, which is smitten with Americanized socialism.
Presidents know they need to stay near or above the 50 percent approval threshold to have a shot at reelection. Although the Gallup poll has been consistently inaccurate on presidential numbers in recent years, it has a long record of presidential approvals. Since 1980, only George W. Bush was reelected below 50 percent approval, but his final number before the election was 48 percent. No one below his number, including his father and President Trump, was sworn in for a second term.
Trump’s approvals were notoriously hard to poll, as many of his supporters refused to engage pollsters due to repercussions of being for “MAGA.” Both the approvals of Presidents Obama and Biden were often graded on the curve, due to the near-universal embrace by media, Hollywood and now, tragically, the woke capitalism of mostly white C-suites and CEOs.

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