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Name / Congressional Ratings
Title / 118TH Congress First Session
The Center for Legislative Accountability (CLA), an initiative of the CPAC Foundation, works to promote government transparency while carrying on the over 50-year mission of holding lawmakers accountable through the publishing of their voting records.

SB 673
Creating a Special Ebony Alert System for a Government-Favored Racial Group.
2023 - California Assembly

Vote Description
This bill, at the exclusion of Asian, Hispanic, and white Americans, sets up an Ebony Alert system designed to alert the public of the reported disappearances of young Black people. This system will be created in addition to the Amber alert system, the likes of which already covers all racial groups. CPAC opposes the creation of racist systems within government and opposed this bill. The Assembly passed this bill on September 13, 2023 by a vote of 76-0 and the bill later became law.