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Name / Congressional Ratings
Title / 118TH Congress First Session
The Center for Legislative Accountability (CLA), an initiative of the CPAC Foundation, works to promote government transparency while carrying on the over 50-year mission of holding lawmakers accountable through the publishing of their voting records.

HB 3326
Transforming Illinois into a Sanctuary State for Illegal Immigrants and Abortionists.
2040 - Illinois Senate

Vote Description
This bill prohibits the users of automated license plate readers from releasing ALPR information to other states such that they may enforce a law that prohibits one from having an abortion or that allows one to be detained because of their immigration status. CPAC believes abortion is always a human tragedy, opposes its protection, opposes measures that enable illegal immigration, and opposed this bill. The Senate passed this bill on May 19, 2023 by a vote of 39-15 and the bill later became law.