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Name / Congressional Ratings
Title / 118TH Congress First Session
The Center for Legislative Accountability (CLA), an initiative of the CPAC Foundation, works to promote government transparency while carrying on the over 50-year mission of holding lawmakers accountable through the publishing of their voting records.

HF 2335
Funding a Mountain of Leftist Housing Initiatives.
2023 - Minnesota House of Representatives

Vote Description
This omnibus bill apportions funds for a bevy of Minnesota’s Housing Programs. Overall, the bill includes $50,885,000 to improve the homeownership rate of government-favored racial groups and another $50,000,000 to help first-time homebuyers make down payments on their first homes. CPAC opposes government interference in the housing market, does not believe that taxpayers should be forced to pay for other people’s housing, and opposed this bill. The House passed this bill on May 8, 2023 by a vote of 70-61 and the bill later became law.