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Name / Congressional Ratings
Title / 118TH Congress First Session
The Center for Legislative Accountability (CLA), an initiative of the CPAC Foundation, works to promote government transparency while carrying on the over 50-year mission of holding lawmakers accountable through the publishing of their voting records.

SB 650 (HB 1342)
Securing Workers Against Union Boss Intimidation Tactics.
2023 - Tennessee House of Representatives

Vote Description
This bill makes it such that, in order for a business to receive economic development incentives from the government, the business must allow its workers to decide on their union representation through secret ballot initiatives. CPAC supports efforts to stop union bosses from intimidating workers, supports secret ballot elections over other less private elections, and supported this bill as a step in the right direction. The House passed this bill on April 21, 2023 by a vote of 67-23 and the bill later became law.