Host of War Room, Steve Bannon spoke at CPAC in DC 2023 on the role of the average American in politics and the Washington, D.C. establishment’s treatment of the silent majority.
Bannon blames the inaction of the Republican establishment, including Fox News’ coverage of the 2020 election, for the Democrats’ victories and the disastrous state of the United States and even the world. Our foreign foes in China, Russia, and the Middle East have been empowered under President Biden, and American money, resources, and lives are going to a war in Ukraine instead of to the numerous crises in our own country.
Bannon attributes the existence and bad policies of the Biden administration to Fox News’ betrayal of President Trump. Fox News has colluded with the rest of the elitist media to disregard the average American voter by demeaning President Trump. They called the 2020 election early on for Biden, ignored Trump’s campaign announcement for 2024, and given air time to his opponents.
“He’s not up against DeSantis, or Nikki Haley, or Mike Pompeo. He’s up against Ken Griffin, and Mitch McConnell, and Murdoch. [Fox News has] deemed if he wins the primary, they’re going to work for the Democrats, just like they worked for Hilary Clinton,” Bannon concluded. “All they are is about money, and the only people [who] can stop them on the face of the earth are you, you, and you.”
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