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Trump Planning Pre-Inauguration Victory Rally in DC

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The Hysteria Over Trump’s Tariffs and Foreign Policy Needs to Stop

Writer's picture: Andrew LangerAndrew Langer

In today's overheated political climate, the mere mention of former President Donald Trump’s policies, particularly regarding trade and foreign affairs, sends critics into fits of hysteria. The left, alongside a chorus of so-called conservative critics, has been busy crafting doomsday narratives around Trump’s approach to global economics, national security, and diplomacy. Instead of recognizing the strategic logic behind tariffs and firm foreign policy measures, these critics prefer to peddle alarmist rhetoric. However, as recent developments with Panama, Mexico, and broader USAID reforms indicate, a results-oriented approach is precisely what the United States needs.

Panama’s Exit from China’s Belt and Road Initiative: A Quiet but Monumental Victory

This past week, Panama announced its decision to withdraw from China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), a move that should be seen as a major foreign policy win for the U.S. and a sign that Trump's economic pressure strategy is yielding results. According to Reuters, Senator Marco Rubio praised the Panamanian government’s move, emphasizing that Panama’s disengagement from BRI represents a broader pushback against Chinese economic influence in the Western Hemisphere (source).

To fully understand the significance of this shift, one must consider the strategic importance of the Panama Canal. This waterway is one of the most crucial shipping lanes in the world, and allowing China to control infrastructure projects surrounding it would have granted Beijing a dangerous geopolitical advantage. The Biden administration may attempt to claim credit, but it was Trump’s hardline stance on Chinese influence, along with the economic ramifications of his tariff policies, that laid the groundwork for this course correction.

China’s BRI is not about “infrastructure development,” as its proponents claim. It is about economic coercion and global strategic dominance. Through unsustainable loans and contractual entanglements, China has ensnared many developing nations in debt traps, ultimately forcing them to cede control of critical infrastructure. Panama’s exit from BRI sends a clear message: America’s economic and security concerns are being taken seriously, and Trump’s pressure campaign is proving effective.

Mexico’s Renewed Cooperation on Border Security: Tariffs as a Diplomatic Tool

Similarly, the renewed cooperation between Mexico and the U.S. on border security should be seen as another validation of Trump’s approach. The left and the media were quick to deride Trump’s use of tariffs as a bargaining chip, but they ignore the results. Under the previous administration, when Trump threatened tariffs on Mexican imports, Mexico swiftly ramped up its efforts to stem illegal immigration and human trafficking. Once again, the strategy is paying off.

Mexico’s recent agreement to strengthen border security by deploying more forces to curb the flow of migrants is a direct result of American economic leverage. Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum, in response to renewed tariff discussions, has signaled her government’s willingness to cooperate on stemming illegal immigration (source).

The Biden administration has floundered on border policy, failing to enforce meaningful immigration controls. The left would have us believe that tariffs and economic pressure are ineffective, but the reality is that tariffs work. Countries respond when their economic well-being is at stake. Critics scoffed at Trump’s willingness to levy tariffs against Mexico, but the policy achieved what years of diplomatic hand-wringing could not.

Reforming USAID: Making Foreign Aid Work for Americans

Another underreported yet crucial foreign policy development involves long-overdue reforms to the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). For years, conservative analysts and former USAID employees have been advocating for massive reform to the agency, which has been plagued by inefficiencies, wasteful spending, and a lack of accountability.

The Heritage Foundation detailed how USAID, under the Trump administration, began moving toward a “Journey to Self-Reliance” approach, ensuring that foreign aid would be more accountable and effective rather than functioning as a blank check for nations unwilling to reform (source).

Yet, the left predictably responded with outrage, framing any attempt to reform foreign aid as “isolationist” or “cruel.” Nothing could be further from the truth. A smart, streamlined approach to foreign aid ensures that American tax dollars are used efficiently and that recipient nations do not develop a dependency that fosters corruption and stagnation. Rather than fueling hysteria over the supposed “gutting” of USAID, critics should recognize that reforming foreign aid is an essential step in making America’s engagement with the world more effective and responsible.

The Bulwark’s Hypocrisy and the Manufactured Crisis Narrative

One of the most blatant examples of manufactured hysteria comes from The Bulwark, a publication that has taken every opportunity to attack Trump’s policies, often with misleading narratives. Recently, the outlet published a piece arguing that Trump’s trade policies were disastrous and provided “one stupid chart” to supposedly prove it. The problem? Their analysis is intellectually dishonest and ignores the broader geopolitical realities at play (source).

The Bulwark and other Never Trump outlets ignore the fact that trade imbalances, manufacturing dependency on China, and an open-borders immigration approach have all contributed to America’s economic and security woes. Rather than acknowledge that tariffs and economic leverage are necessary tools in modern diplomacy, they prefer to cry foul at every policy Trump introduced, regardless of its success.

Conclusion: A Results-Oriented Foreign Policy, Not Hysteria

As we take stock of these developments, the hysteria from the left and the establishment media over Trump’s foreign policy needs to stop. The reality is clear:

  • Panama’s withdrawal from China’s Belt and Road Initiative is a victory for U.S. security and economic interests.

  • Mexico’s cooperation on border security is a direct result of economic leverage, proving tariffs are a useful diplomatic tool.

  • USAID reforms are long overdue and ensure that American aid serves strategic, rather than bureaucratic, objectives.

For too long, critics have framed Trump’s foreign policy as reckless or erratic. But the evidence suggests otherwise. These policies have been strategic, measured, and, most importantly, effective. Instead of reflexively opposing anything associated with Trump, it’s time for a reality check: his approach has worked, and America is stronger for it.

It’s time to move past the hysteria and focus on the facts. The United States needs smart, results-driven foreign policy, and the evidence suggests that leveraging economic power, standing firm against adversaries like China, and reforming bloated agencies are all necessary steps toward securing America’s future.

Those who care about American security, economic independence, and responsible governance should recognize these wins for what they are—and dismiss the hysteria for what it is: a desperate attempt to discredit a successful strategy.

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