‘Wokebusters’ from around the world gathered in Budapest last week for the third annual CPAC Hungary. Speakers such as Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, Former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott, and President Donald Trump drained the swamp with their messages to the international crowd of grassroots conservatives at CPAC Hungary 2024. The event united the Western world in solidarity against the encroachment of wokeism and the radical Left.
As President Trump stated in his recorded message to CPAC Hungary 2024, “Together we are engaged in an epic struggle to liberate our nations from all of the sinister forces who want to destroy them. Everyday we’re battling to preserve our culture, protect our sovereignty, defend our way life, and uphold the timeless values of freedom, family, and faith in Almighty God.”
This battle often feels isolating from country to country.
"The communists want you to feel alone, but you are NOT alone!", Mercedes Schlapp commented in her remarks at CPAC Hungary.
Events like CPAC Hungary 2024 serve as reminders that conservatives around the globe are fighting the same battle and are in it together to save our countries and advance freedom.
Matt Schlapp declared that America is ready to join that fight reinvigorated and reenergized.
"We’ve been woken up from our slumber. We’ve been woken up from our coma, from our stupor,” he said. “The virtue of hope is now overtaking fear. You can take my word for it that America in 2024 will reelect Trump...America will once again realize that she needs to be great”.
See more inside coverage from CPAC Hungary 2024 on social media @CPAC, @mschlapp, and @mercedeschlapp.