CPAC and ACU Release New Tool to Pressure Lawmakers to Vote More Conservatively
Alexandria, VA – The American Conservative Union Foundation (ACUF), host of the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), has just released the 50th Edition of its annual Ratings of Congress.
In honor of the 50th Anniversary of the scorecard, ACUF has released a comprehensive new platform to help better hold lawmakers accountable to conservative principles. The system breaks down voting records and will be used to help determine speaking invitations to the annual CPAC conference.
The system demonstrates which lawmakers vote more conservatively than others, and even allows users to compare Members of Congress with state lawmakers. For example, Liz Cheney (74% rating) scores more liberally across 186 policy areas than her challengers, Wyoming state lawmakers Anthony Bouchard (90% rating) and Chuck Gray (94% rating).
Platform Highlights:
• Search the historical voting records of 15,000 lawmakers in Congress and the states
• Run head-to-head comparisons of lawmakers utilizing 1.4 million votes
• View 14,500 bills in all 50 state legislatures and 50 years of Congress
This year, CPAC and ACUF will present awards to 122 of the 535 Members of Congress. The awards are presented to lawmakers who score 80% or better and are used to help voters and activists identify who is best at upholding conservative principles and who to rally behind.
To produce this year’s scorecard, the ACUF’s Center for Legislative Accountability analyzed every vote taken last session and selected a wide-array of issues relating to fiscal, tax, regulatory, education, environment, Second Amendment rights, election security, life, and government integrity. All lawmakers in America at both the federal and state levels are scored on a 100-point scale.
CLICK HERE to view a PDF version of ACU Foundation’s Ratings of Congress. CLICK HERE to visit the website.