Colorado Plunges in National Conservative Rankings – Ranked 13th Most Liberal State
The Center for Legislative Accountability (CLA), a project of CPAC Foundation and the American Conservative Union Foundation, conducts an annual, in-depth analysis to rate all 8,000 lawmakers in America, revealing their positions on a wide variety of issues directly affecting our communities and families.
Check out the press release below with more details and please take action!
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Colorado Plunges in National Conservative Rankings – Ranked 13th Most Liberal State
CPAC Releases Colorado Lawmaker Scorecard
ALEXANDRIA, VA (June 27, 2022) —The legislative agenda of Governor Polis, Speaker Garnett and President Fenberg has resulted in Colorado plunging in conservative rankings to become the 13th most liberal state in America according to a new analysis conducted by the Center for Legislative Accountability (CLA), a project of CPAC Foundation and the America Conservative Union Foundation. The report analyzed how well each of Colorado’s lawmakers adhered to conservative principles in 2021, with the state’s legislature earning an overall conservative rating of 35%, an even further decline from the state’s dismal 2020 rating of 38%. The state falls far short of the national average (49%) and below neighboring Wyoming (60%), Kansas (55%), Utah (53%) and Arizona (51%). The conservative rating is based on lawmaker voting across 186 policy areas ranging from cultural and life to tax, fiscal and regulatory policies.
The ratings have also been incorporated into CPAC’s new Lawmaker Comparison Tool which runs head-to-head comparisons on lawmaker’s strongest and weakest policy areas.
The CLA is the first and only organization to annually publish individual ratings for all 8,000 federal and state lawmakers in America. The CLA is also home to the nation’s most comprehensive conservative policy database containing over 17,500 detailed bill analyses which span 50 years of Congress and all 50 state legislatures.
For media inquiries, contact the CPAC Communications Team at comms@conservative.org or 202-347-9388.
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Our staff spends thousands of hours analyzing more than 105,000 pieces of legislation voted on by Congress and every state legislature in the country. Your support is critical to be able to provide this level of insight and transparency. Will you please make a tax-deductible donation today to support transparency and ratings of Colorado legislators?